Full Moon Update

The Miller family established our non-profit 'Brian Miller Full Moon' in early July. We did so to help us all make sense out of the tragedy of losing Brian. Our hope and mission with this endeavor is to raise awareness and funds to help others who struggle with addiction as our dear Brian did.

Through the generous support of friends, family and strangers, we have raised over $22,000 for our cause. Our first Full Moon Fundraiser which was held on October 5th, 2017 at The Loving Touch in Ferndale was a great success and raised $8,000 through admission price plus donations and tee shirt sales. We are humbled and so very grateful for all the support and contributions we have received!

One local program which was established through Macomb County’s “Families Against Narcotics” is one we will help to support. The 'Hope Not Handcuffs' program was launched in early February 2017 and to date has had over 600 participants. A person struggling with addiction of any kind, who is ready to make a change and get help, can walk into a police department in Macomb County or Ferndale and ask for help. Within a few hours an “angel” who was trained through Hope Not Handcuffs will transport them to a detox facility and all arrangements are made for their long term care and recovery. That means detox, rehab facility and sober living facility so that recovery is possible. We believe in this program and will support it through grants from our non-profit organization.

The Miller family is committed to this cause and will continue to raise funds to help support programs that are working for struggling addicts.

For photos from the event and updates please see Brian Miller Full Moon on Facebook